>> How dare you threaten the son of Odin with such a puny weapon!

How dare you threaten the son of Odin with such a puny weapon!


That’s right I’m going to be talking about the movie Thor in this weeks blog. If you haven’t watched either one or only one then be warned that I will be talking about scenes in them so it’s now up to you to decide if you want to go further.

I’ve already watched this movie twice, that should tell you how good the movie is. Well, not really considering I watch a lot of movies, in fact 7 of them so far this week and I’m only counting from Monday to Thursday. Anyways, Thor really is a good movie and a lot of fun to watch. First impression of the movie impressed me enough that I can’t wait to see a second one and wanting to watch it again in the theater. Now don’t worry, this is not a review for the movie, if you want that you need to go here… http://www.shakefire.com/reviews/theatrical/thor
And here…
No, what I’m going to be talking about is this movie vs the comic book.
What does Thor have going for it that will appease the fanboys?
Characters! Not only is there the main ones like Thor, Odin, and Loki, but there’s the Warriors Three Volstagg, Fandral, and Hogun, as well as Lady Sif, Frigga, Heimdall, and of course Jane Foster. But it don’t end with them, there’s the cameo name of Dr. Donald Blake, the Destroyer, and the now expected appearance of Nick Fury at the end of the credits. Now I knew once the filming was being done these characters was going to be there but knowing and finally getting to see them on the screen running around with swords, capes, and helmets was just awesome.

All these characters in this movie was given some great treatment. I’ve been a fan of Thor a long time and have talked about the comic on here a few times. So how do the characters on the screen compare to them on the pages? Man I got to say these characters ended up looking great on the big screen. Each one does justice to their counterparts from the comics. For me seeing the Warriors Three on the big screen better than seeing Thor. I know the movie is titled Thor, but the Warriors Three are very important to the development of Thor and need to be shown. What I was worried about was that they would be shown as these 3 goofy guys that look nothing like the comics. I was proved wrong. Each one looks and acts like they do in the comics, aside from the full size of Volstagg who in the comics is about 2 times the size of Thor, which is pretty huge. But in the movie that look really cool but sadly don’t appear enough in it for my taste.

Not to be forgotten are the other characters of Loki, who looks pretty cool and I’m so glad they didn’t have him looking like they do exactly in the comics. Lets compare the two looks.

Ok, the comic version does look cool, for a comic book only though. Having a guy dressed in green and yellow tights with a helmet with giant horns, yeah not going to work. Then again, change it up a little, give more armor to the suit without showing so much neon green, shorten the horns, add a few other color schemes in it, and poof we have a Loki that looks as cool on the big screen as he does on the printed page. Plus the actor Tom Hiddleston does a great acting job on the character where he brings out that evil, hidden agenda, trickster aspects of Loki. As soon as you see him sitting there next to Thor you know instantly that Loki is planning something that’s going to hurt Thor. I think this could be seen even if you don’t know the character of Loki, so good job Tom Hiddleston on giving us a believable Loki.
Though Tom Hiddleston is not the only one that does a great job on the characters but Chris Hemsworth is Thor. At first I thought why this guy? Sure he has blonde hair but can he be Thor? Well, he does and is Thor. From the size to the armor and even a cool accent, this is Thor being alive.

But enough with all the talk on the characters, lets get more into the movie by starting with the ending of it. How is the cosmic cube going to play with future movies? Is it going to lead into the Avengers or will it being leading into Thor 2? Thinking about it, it could be both of them. For the Avengers this could be the evil that the team has to form to fight. Got to remember that the Avengers where formed to fight what one of them could’t do alone. Having a god like Loki with a a cosmic cube (for those that don’t know a cosmic cube gives the person holding it the power to do whatever they want even changing reality) would be a big situation where it would take the power of Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, the Hulk, Hawkeye, and the Black Widow to fight. Considering that all Loki would have to do is wish them away and poof no more, that would be something that would take a lot of power to fight against. Now I’m also thinking this is the case mainly because at the end of all the Marvel Productions movies with these little shorts, they have been leading up to the Avengers movie. So would Marvel change up the scheme by showing what’s going to lead into Thor 2 with only one more movie to come out before Avengers? I don’t think so.

Though if they did and this was meant for a lead in for Thor 2 I will stick with most of what I said about it being for an Avengers plot. Only missing the other characters. With it being a cosmic cube maybe it would only be able to be fought by another god. If so Thor has the power to do that. Another factor that would fit for this being a hint of Thor 2 is that during Thor when the Bifröst Bridge (the rainbow bridge) is destroyed, (talking about that after this),  Heimdall told Thor that there are other ways to get back to Midgard (that’s Earth). Now even with no r Bifröst Bridge to get to Earth the cosmic cube would have the power to do it. Not only that but it has the power to fix the Bifröst Bridge. I imagine there would be more to the plot than just Thor fighting Loki over a cosmic cube, afterall in this they had the Frost Giants, Loki, and the Destroyer.
Now, about the Bifröst Bridge, what’s the deal Marvel? I like the bridge and how it looks. Just as I said about Lokis costume, they couldn’t have an actual rainbow for a bridge like in the comics.


Just look at the two of them, on is just cool and the other is a rainbow. This ain’t no Rainbow Bright movie, this is Thor and it needs a bridge that looks the part and Marvel did a great job in creating it. However, my problem is with it having that big funnel type globe thing at the end of it. I don’t know how it would have been shown to allow the characters to pass from one realm to another but having them shot there by a bright beam wasn’t one of the aspects I liked about the movie. It makes sense, I just don’t care much for it. Nor did I like how it was so easily destroyed, even with Mjolnir. It was like, bam, bam, bam and it’s broke.
My second problem and think the biggest was with Mjolnir. Have you been to any Wal Mart or Target or anywhere that has toys? If you haven’t looked at the toys but you’ve seen Thor, go back to the toys the next time your in one of those stores and look at the Thor section. There is a Nerf Mjolnir hammer toy there, it looks just like the one in the movie. Yeah, I couldn’t believe it either but it does. With all the millions of dollars being spent on this movie why does the one object that’s going to get just as much scrutiny as the character will is made to look so cheap and unreal? I don’t know but it was disappointing to see Mjolnir looking like a foam toy.
Anyways, as a whole Thor is really good, has characters that look real, has some funny moments in there, like Thor being hit by the car, the looks that Kat Dannings gives throughout the whole movie as Darcy (who by the way I liked better than Jane Foster played by Natalie Portman), and even Anthony Hopkins does a great job as Odin. Nearly everything about this movie (say nearly cause well look above again, Mjolnir just looks fake) looks like it would in the comic and being a fanboy of Thor comic I’m loving this movie. Can’t wait for the Blu Ray!


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