>> Advertise on ShakeFire.com

Shakefire.com has a plan for all advertising budgets. From text advertising and banners to full media buys, we can find the right package for your company, product or artist. We do not accept all advertising inquiries, therefore leaving the ads on our site fitting for our audience, increasing click-through rates. Our hits have been steadily increasing since our launch in 2002, exceeding 2 million unique hits per month on average.

BANNERS: Ranging from $100 to $900 per month
TEXT ADS: Ranging from $50 to $100 per month
MEDIA BUYS: Ranging from $1,200 to $10,000 per month
PARTNERSHIPS WITH TRADE: Ranging from $250 to $800 per month

See more information on advertising on Shakefire.com below...

For more information on our hit stats and demographics:


In order to gain access to the Partners page, please email: advertising@shakefire.com

For more information on advertising, please contact:

Joseph V. Ader
Advertising Manager

Feel free to send us comments or questions.