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Seven Circle Sunrise: Beauty In Being Alone

Beauty Of Being Alone

(Seven Circle Sunrise)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

When I first began to research Seven Circle Sunrise I came across a quote from the bands driving force, Veno Xavier, in which he states about his band and its music, “Its potent, aggressive and dynamically charged songs that make the "angst" of other bands sound like inconsequential simpering.” Big words if you ask me, but as I dig a bit deeper, read up on Xavier’s story, it put me in the right state of mind to hear, not particularly how he chose to spin his music’s image, but rather the quality of the music itself.

Born into an abusive home, sent through the systematic gears of the foster care system, and eventually being there at his mothers side when she passed, Veno Xavier has had a lot of experiences that translate well in his music. Its refreshing to hear a band, especially of this genre, that doesn’t bow to the familiarity of hard rock stereotypes like drinking, drugs, and women simply for sake of it being the normal topics covered. Seven Circle Sunrise’s lyrical content really does display a true sense of life. While it has never been mentioned as a concept album Beauty In Being Alone really could be if you follow the tracks as one bad turn creating decisions that only sink Xavier deeper.

Broken Man starts off the album which makes me feel like this is Xavier introducing us to himself in the present followed by Another Day which has him talking to God about the death of his mother. What follows is a laundry list of songs with issues ranging from relationships falling apart or being torn apart (on accident and purposefully), being run down by life, wallowing in depression and then looking for anything to help him come back to life again. The last song on the album, Home, says it all though. After having traversed this long and weary road with Xavier, arriving at one of those “what if” moments we’ve all been in, where it would be perfect if we could just go back to the start, do things differently, be in a familiar warm place. It just seems to perfect to have not been a well thought road from point A to point B. In any case it seems like those big words are well backed by a deep and resonating collection of experiences brought to life by the band as a whole.

There are six tracks available at the bands Facebook page for your perusal and I do suggest checking them out beforehand. Located in the same place you’ll read that Xavier grew up with a love for the grunge era and that really shines through in the albums music. You’ve got the chorus yells of Kurt Cobain, the harmony driven rock of Alice In Chains, the vocal musings of Gavin Rossdale, and the big crunchy guitar sound of Silverchair. It’s true, the influences are there but the band manages to separate itself with a good balance of hard rock as well as some softer moments that include piano and acoustic guitar. So, if you’ve never really been that much into grunge you might want to have a listen. As always final judgment is yours. Enjoy.  

AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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