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Notting Hill

Notting Hill

On Blu-Ray: 
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Running Time: 
124 minutes

“Notting Hill” was first released in theaters in 1999. 14 years later, the romantic comedy was digitally remastered and re-released in the Blu-ray format. The movie stars Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant. William (Grant) is a bookstore owner with a lackluster love life and a roommate no one would ever want to live with. He somehow manages to cross paths and falls in love with a world famous actress named Anna (Roberts). Can a relationship between a celebrity and a normal guy survive with the rest of the world watching their every move? You’re going to have to watch the movie to find out.
The movie’s picture quality looked a lot better after the digital remastering, but it was still not as good as other movies on Blu-ray. The movie itself was pretty good, but lacked some things. For instance, the movie was definitely romantic and would make a great date night movie, but lacked comedy. The jokes were hit or miss and some scenes could have been left out. However, they did include a decent amount of bonus footage and special feature to add a bit more value to this re-release.
Both Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts do a fine job in the movie and you can really feel the chemistry between them. However, I found Hugh Grant to be more relatable and believable to the point where I felt sorry for him quite a bit throughout the movie. This is one of the better romantic comedies I have seen, but would have liked to have seen a bit more comedy. It is a good movie for a girls night out or date night and would be way better than anything starring Katherine Heigl. For those reasons, I am giving this movie a “B-.”

Paul Arca
Review by Paul Arca
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