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The Coy Kids: Youthful Days

Youthful Days

(The Coy Kids)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Exactly what influences the band The Coy Kids? Moments, all sorts of them. That's according to the basic information listed on their Facebook page, it's the happy, funny, sad, and awkward moments that influence their songs. Well, when listening to their new LP, "Youthful Days", there are some of those moments being put into their songs. Ok, so that's any song really, a moment where the band sings about it and using that description their songs would be influenced by moments. Along with the moments being used to influence their songs, they also make their songs into an experience to be shared with for the ones listening.

One thing this album has a lot of is fun energy. Naming it "Youthful Days" is about as close to describing what these songs are about as you can get. Their sound is young, it's full of that young energy everyone has when they are still under the age of 25 but above being 16. Everything in these songs about being a young guy just having fun in life and then singing about it. It's the youthful energy that these songs that make them good and fun to listen to. They will either connect with you because you are at that same age with all that energy and thoughts or you will be reminded what it was like to be that age with all that energy and the random thoughts that just don't have any substance. The Coy Kids are having a lot of fun with their music and it makes me want to have a lot of fun just from listening to it.

This is not a perfect album, the vocals have some rough moments, the instruments are being played with just enough experience that they don't sound bad but neither are at the professional levels. However, that's because this is the debut LP for this band and they are young but because they don't hold back on their energy in the songs that they end up being good. It's how they have their lyrics being about just stupid moments in life when you are young that make these songs so fun and full of zeal. Each song has a catchy beat to them and are easy to get hooked on from the start and once the lyrics are learned they will be sung along with. From the start I was caught up with drive these guys have put into their songs and was left with wanting to explore my days like I used to in my youth, that is until I remembered I had to be at work to pay all my grown up bills, ah such is life but at least I now have this reminder of those glory days of fun and thrills with Youthful Days.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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