>> Roots of Creation: ROC Live Vol 2 (2010)

Artist: Roots of Creation

Album: ROC Live Vol 2

Members: Brett Wilson, Tal Pearson, Mike Chadinha

Genre: Other, Reggae/Ska

Label: Harmonized

Tracks: 8

Type: Digital

Release Date: October 26, 2010

Rating: 2.75 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C+

Official Site

On this second live album, Roots of Creation fill the air with reggae/roots songs and their own genre, which is stated on their Facebook page as “The Reggae/RoC Dubtronica Hybrid”.
The opening track “Policy” is the catchiest song on this album, both lyrically and musically. While the lyrics contain political messages, the playful tune and refrains can appeal to a wide range of listeners without getting too mainstream. Sonic, spacey, and psychedelic styles and reggae beats mix and merge nicely in “Searchin’” as well as in “6 AM”.
The band’s rendition of The Talking Heads’ “This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody)” is danceable and sing-along fun imbued with feel-good reggae vibes. However, their take on Tom Petty’s “You Don’t Know How It Feels” is not my favorite cover. While I can see (rather ‘hear’ in this case) that the originality is displayed in the song, I just prefer the original version’s laid-back soft style to this cover.
“Mammoth”, an instrumental jam, makes the crowd moving, but unfortunately the other instrumental track, the more than 9-min “Dubby Conqueror”, becomes boring after a while. It sounds like derivatives of something I have heard before and can hear again from any band. Furthermore, I feel that this particular track does not belong on this live EP.  Especially since this album contains only eight tracks, I’d rather listen to more songs that showcase RoC’s diverse creativity and influences.
It is probably due to the fact that this live album was not recorded at one single venue, intimate moments or interactions between the spectators and the band seem to be not easy to locate here. While it captures some interesting lyrics, jamming and atmospheric electronic tunes that make me curious enough about the band’s studio albums, ROC Live Vol 2 feels much more like a sampler even for a live EP.


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