>> Herman's Hermits: Hold On (2011)

Genre: Musical

Starring: Peter Noone, Karl Greene, Keith Hopwood, Derek Leckenby, Barry Whtiwam

Director: Arthur Lubin

Studio: Warner Home Video

Runtime: 86 minutes

Release Date: May 6, 2011

Format: DVD

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 0.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D-

Bottom Line:

Being terrible on all fronts, Herman's Hermits: Hold On is only appealing to nostalgic or "so bad its good" fans

Who knew a Beatles knock off movie would be comparable to Troll 2...
Herman's Hermits: Hold On is a movie about the titled band comparable to The Beatle's A Hard Days Night. Herman's Hermit was a real band that rode the British Invasion wave and this movie follows their wacky adventures from England to Los Angeles.
There are so many elements that are ripped from the Beatles, that this band is completely bland. It doesn't help that their music is even more vanilla than their personalities. Not to mention the leader, Herman, has one of the most annoying nasally British accents out there. To say this movie has a weak foundation is a massive understatement. 
Most film makers would realize how boring their central characters are and surround them with a talented cast of supporting actors. But clearly the producers thought more highly of the Hermit's. All of the actors here are ATROCIOUS. Each actor is either lazy or plain inept to human emotion. 
Beyond bad acting, there are pointless subplots, sloppy editing, and sluggish pacing. It is more than a fair assessment to say this movie is a complete failure. 
The only way I could recommend this is for fans of movies that are "so bad its good". That type of cinema isn't for me, but this is comic gold for those who dig these type of movies. Other than that I'm sure there are people who enjoy this on a nostalgic level. 
For those of you who do plan on buying this, the video quality is good especially for such a small film for the 60's. But some may be disappointed that there aren't any special features.


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