>> Pandas in the Wild (2009)

Title: Pandas in the Wild

Genre: Documentary

Starring: Kristen Krohn (narrator)

Director: Tatsuhiko Kobayashi

Studio: Infinity Entertainment Group

Runtime: 47 minutes

Release Date: July 21, 2009

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

Rating: 4.00 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A

Official Site


Because bamboo is difficult to digest, pandas must spend 12-16 hours eating up to 40 pounds of bamboo each day.

Pandas have long been a source of fascination for many, including me; with zoo panda cams attracting millions of viewers, and Po the Kung Fu Panda attracted millions more.  Pandas in the Wild from Smithsonian Networks gives you a look at a year in the life of some wild pandas in China’s Quinling Mountains, where around 300 of the approximately 1600 pandas left in the wild live.

The footage is incredible: from a mother panda cuddling a nursing cub to a young adult panda sleeping in a tree to another mother panda staring up at the camera in silent warning as she keeps her cub warm during the frigid winter, you get a real sense of how pandas live in their natural habitat.  I especially loved watching a three month old panda, out of his cave for perhaps the first time, throw a squawking tantrum because he wants his mom to come back from eating bamboo.  When she doesn’t, he climbs his first tree: a simple and lovely moment.

In addition to the impressive video, the narration offers many facts and tidbits about the panda’s life and habits.  There is also reference to the history of the panda, the dangers facing pandas, and conservation efforts.  Some other animals indigenous to the Quinling Mountains are also shown, which was interesting, but this is the pandas’ show, and the amount of information given is impressive.  I had no idea that pandas vocalize with what sounds like squawks, squeals, or seal barks.  One male wooing a female even sounded eerily like Chewbacca, which apparently was quite the turn-on to the female.  It was especially fascinating to see just how solitary they are, and the danger that poses for cubs that must be left alone for hours while the mother feeds.

Pandas in the Wild is short, clocking in at 47 minutes, but it feels even shorter because it is so engrossing.  The video quality is excellent: crisp and vivid.  The sound is also very good with outstanding narration by Kristen Krohn and a soothing soundtrack.  There are no special features save three trailers for other Smithsonian Network DVDs.

Parents should know that there is footage of two male pandas fighting over a female, but the violence is brief and shot in such a way that you don’t see much of the actual fight.  Likewise, there is a very short mating scene that you see little of, but those two scenes account for the TV PG rating and should not deter anyone from watching this with children, especially children who are Kung Fu Panda fans.  Pandas in the Wild is a wonderful window into the life of the real-life endangered Giant Panda.


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