>> Lost Girl

Show: Lost Girl

Episode(s): S01E13 "Blood Lines", S02E01 "Something Wicked This Fae Comes"

Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Starring: Kris Holden-Ried, Ksenia Solo, Zoie Palmer, Rick Howland, K.C. Collins

Network: SyFy

Airdate/Time: April 9, 2012 11:01am

Grade: B+

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“Lost Girl” is a popular Syfy series about Bo, a succubus who’s just discovered her true nature as a supernatural being called “Fae”.  In season one, Bo learns about her powers, how to navigate through the world of Fae, and searches for her biological mother.  Thanks to Bo’s sexual powers allow for a display of female sexuality we don’t see too much on television. Bo isn’t punished or treated as some sort of fallen woman and is romantically attracted to both genders. She might spend most of her time with Dyson, but Lauren is in the race for Bo’s heart as well.
The uses myths and legends from around the world to create a very diverse world. I was amazed at how many “Fae” I’d never heard of! The show relies not only on its own mythos, but on the strength of the characters that inhabit it. I’m definitely a fan of the show and tune in every week!
Season One Finale, "Blood Lines"
Bo is still learning about the extent of her Succubus powers and what it means to be an unaligned Fae (neither light nor dark) while searching for the mother that gave her up as a baby. During her search Bo was befriended by Eva, the only other succubus she's known. Eva fully embraces her sexual powers and promises to teach Bo all about what it means to be a succubus; how to revel in her powers instead of being afraid of them. They become fast friends until Bo catches Eva sucking face and life force out her incredibly hot boyfriend, werewolf, and partner in healing Dyson.
But Eva is more than just a social connection. She was behind the big Fae war (light vs. dark) that slaughtered so many. Bar owner and mentor to Bo, Trick, had to imprison Eva to control the violence. Unbeknownst to Bo, Eva is looking to recommence the war and end the divide using Bo's independent powers to get things going.
Eva lures Bo in her golden prison full of half-dressed hunks to reveal her plans--a violent takeover of the established Fae order. After the inevitable chaos, Eva plans to install herself as the people's new ruler. With the Fae world in her hands, she will cease the division between the dark and the light so that every Fae can be as free as Bo. After realizing that Eva has already set her bloody plans into motion, Bo escapes to warn Trick and the others.
If that wasn't enough of a rocky path, the footing becomes more unsure when Bo learns that Dyson knew who her mother was the entire time but decided to hide the truth. 
Unfortunately my two favorite characters: Kenzi, Bo's bestie/roomie with lots of heart & grifter skills and Hale the deceive siren don't have much to do this episode. Still Kenzi has the best lines and the cutest moment with Hale right before the big battle. 
Kenzi is desperate to stop the battle Bo is throwing herself into, appeals to Trick to use his blood to rewrite destiny. Kenzi cuts herself, offering her blood to make it stop. Dyson is also desperate to stop the battle between Eva & Bo. Dyson visits a dark Fae to make an exchange for Bo's safety that will change everything. Swayed by Kenzi, Trick considers her request. Neither is aware of the other's attempt to save Bo's life and Bo knows least of all.
Who is Bo’s mother? Will Trick’s or Dyson’s attempts to save Bo’s life be successful? Will Eva get the war she so desperately seeks? With the Fae establishment destroyed who will fill this vacuum of power? Tune in to Syfy on Monday, April 9th at 10pm (ET/PT) to find out!
“Something Wicked This Fae Comes”
With the Fae establishment destroyed, dark fae are running amok and growing bolder.  The power vacuum is attracting and encouraging other Fae to run for the office of The Ash, the Fae leader. Trick, Lauren, & Bo are worried a war might spark.
Dyson has been gone three weeks and Bo is now more worried than angry.  She’s also tired of eating “take out”. Dyson shows up in cuffs, escorted by police to Hale’s desk. He’s bloody and bruised, but not talking. Dyson is haunted by the priced he paid for saving Bo’s life and their reunion isn’t a warm one.
Bo, Kenzi, and Hale are the hunt when a body is found flayed on the side of a country road. With the help of a bloodhound Fae, Kenzi & Bo track the scent of the body down to a circus campground full of dark Fae. Lauren analyzes samples from the body finds the killer was also fae. Trick & Bo talk about the circus while Hale & Dyson visit the campground to investigate.
The circus is actually a group of light and dark Fae called “The Wandering Damned”. They are Fae who refused to fight in the previous war and were cursed for not taking sides. It’s they who killed the flayed Fae and took his skin for a tattoo on his hand.
Who will become the new Ash? Is war between the light and the dark still possible? When will Dyson tell the truth about the bargain he struck for Bo? What do these tattoos mean and what are The Wandering Damned after?  And who is creepy child that visits Bo to tell warn her pending doom? Find out when “Something Wicked This Fae Comes” airs on Syfy, Monday, April 16th 10pm (ET/PT)


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