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Little Einstein's: Animal Expedition

Little Einsteins

On DVD: 
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Little Einstein’s is created by Douglas Wood and brought to the small screen by Emmy Award-winning director Olexa Hewryk and Dora the Explorer co-creator Eric Weiner. Its important to note Weiner’s involvement as the show, aside from its introduction to classical music and art, is simply the same old formula of not one but many of the kids shows that I have reviewed over the years. The interaction between kids and television show is apparent here as the characters ask the viewers to pat their legs, much like as in a Dore episode, or point out a character or clue in the background. Nothing groundbreaking. This particular collection, with its predominate animal theme is reminiscent of The Wonder Pets and the adventure just a page from The Backyardigans. Will kids enjoy the DVD? I think that all depends on the age of the viewer. My two youngest were bored with the show and scampered off to find some other form of entertainment while my first viewing of the DVD ended at the halfway point with me falling asleep.

So what can I say about Little Einstein’s Animal Expedition as a plus. The show does offer up the aspect of teaching kids about classical music and their composers (and better yet how to say their names). The informative pieces on individual animals was short but in depth and the show transports your kids to foreign countries where they learn about cultures and their animal species indigenous to that particular region. So yeah, your kids will learn a thing or two about the show if it can keep them captivated and the bonus features were not bad either.

*The Animal Crane Game: Not really a game per say. Kids press the drop button and the crane (just like any arcade crane game) drops to catch an egg. Inside you find an animal and you get all kinds of useful tidbits about said animal, the region in which they live, and other fun trivia facts.

Bonus Cartoon - Goofy’s Petting Zoo: A poorly looking cartoon that incorporates the same tired formula as seen in Little Einstein’s but a bonus toon nonetheless.

AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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