Better Than Ezra - Before The Robots | Dark New Day - Twelve Year Silence | Innaway - S/T | The Redwalls - De Nova | Culture Club- Greatest Hits | Erin McKeown - We Will Become Like Birds | Scary Kids Scaring Kids - The City Sleeps in Flames | JamisonParker - Sleepwalker | The Thieves - Tales From The White Lines | Abdel Wright - S.T

Better Than Ezra's Before the Robots
I used to like Better Than Ezra.  I really did.  Exactly a decade ago, Better Than Ezra�s catchy song Good was one of the hottest tracks in the country.  Their undeniable beguiling country infused rock anthems swept you over.  Unfortunately, 10 years can make a HUGE difference.  �Before The Robots� didn�t have one hook despite the feeble attempts of their first single A Lifetime. D-

Out May 31, 2005
Click Here to buy Before The Robots in our store - ON SALE NOW!!

Dark New Day's Twelve Year Silence
It�s not emo!  What a satisfying thing it is to put in a CD and not hear that awful whining that has been piercing waves for the better part of the last year.  Dark new Day is heavy, understandable and relatably angry rock music without apologies.  This won�t be the last you hear of these guys. B

Out June 14, 2005
Click Here to buy Twelve Year Silence in our store - ON SALE NOW!!

Innaway's Self-Titled
Plugging themselves as a mix between Pink Floyd, Tortoise and Led Zeppelin really didn�t give this band a lot of hope, rather a HUGE shadow to move their way out of.  You don�t need to be told that they don�t even come close to living up to that kind of comparison.  Innaway is more of a mix between early transcendent Beatles and late drugged out Doors than the liking they paired themselves up with.  Unfortunately, Innaway�s debut, although showing promise, does not quite make it�s way out of the shadow it put itself in. D

Out June 14, 2005
Click Here to buy Innaway in our store - ON SALE NOW!!

The Redwalls' De Nova
At first glance at the picture of these former indie rock gods, you would think that they were along the lines of The Strokes or The Hives but don�t be fooled.  The Redwalls rip out an uncanny likeness to The Beatles mixed with the occasional Lynyrd Skynyrd riff.  This is one of those feel good summer albums, perfect for a Saturday festival, porch party or just cruising around. A-

Out June 21, 2005
Click Here to buy De Nova in our store - ON SALE NOW!!

Culture Club's Greatest Hits
A 17 track Greatest Hits CD seems to be really pushing it for a band that really stuck around based on the novelty of the lead singer�s eccentricities.  I will give them Do You Really Want to Hurt Me, Karma Chameleon, I�ll Tumble 4 Ya and even possibly The War Song, but to have 10+ fillers on a Greatest Hits CD is unacceptable. D

Out June 21, 2005
Click Here to buy Greatest Hits in our store - ON SALE NOW!!

Erin McKeown's We Will Become Like Birds
This one is hard to pin down.  It is catchy as hell but that�s not always a good thing.  Erin�s voice is trance inducing and subtle in the way that Tracy Chapman�s was 10 years ago.  The songs are well written and the lyrics are thought provoking.  �We Will Become Like Birds� just may be on of the best releases of the summer. B+

Out June 28, 2005
Click Here to buy We Will Become Like Birds in our store - ON SALE NOW!!

Scary Kids Scaring Kids' The City Sleeps in Flames
This is actually the first emocore band I have heard in a while that is ACTUALLY emocore, not just emo with pathetic attempts at 30 years olds being angry at their parents.  With the strangely Star Wars sounding lyrics of the title track all the way through, �The City Sleeps in Flames� is a beacon of hope in the severely off-track emo scene.  B

Out June 28, 2005
Click Here to buy The City Sleeps in Flames in our store - ON SALE NOW!!

JamisonParker's Sleepwalker
The catchiness of Jimmy Eat World and the singer-songwriter mentality of Ryan Cabrera.  Sounds like it would suck, right?  Don�t be so sure.  JamisonParker manages to make it work on their sophomore set �Sleepwalker.�  Not really much more I can say about it just make it a point to give it a try. B

Out July 12, 2005

The Thieves' Tales From The White Line
The Thieves try a little too hard to pretend they are stuck in the 70s and on tour with The Who.  Not only are The Thieves a train wreck, they also flew off the tracks and hit a building, ricocheted of the building and hit a playground full of kids and small domesticated animals.  D-

Out August 2, 2005

Abdel Wright's Self-Titled
The musical genius of Abdel Wright can�t be taken lightly.  The underlying political tone of his music alone is grounds for applause.  Adding in the soothing voice, well written music and flowing lyrics, Abdel Wright sometimes feels like a reincarnation of Bob Marley. B+

Out August 16, 2005

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Sucks Or Rocks Issue XI with Johnny The World - Review