>> iSquare: Quickie 10

Quickie 10

Artist: iSquare

Latest Album: Hey Sexy Lady

Official Site

Hip hop, pop, R&B and electronica converge to form i SQUARE, whose debut single "Hey Sexy Lady" is the perfect party track, holding steady on the Billboard Dance/Club Play chart and showing the shape of pop music to come.

We talk with the foursome for a brief moment....

1. Aside from squares, what is your favorite shape?
I would say our second fave shape would be a circle because we’re so well rounded .

2. What did you dream about last night?
the dream i had last night was of “isquare” receiving a Grammy for “Best new group.

3. Would you rather win a Grammy or MTV Award?
If i had to choose between a Grammy or and MTV Award i would have to say a Grammy.  Because, the ceremony is far more Grand. as well as the accomplishment in music.

4. Last time a sexy lady didn't say "hey" back was...
all star weekend this chick totally played me off, and 4 some reason after she seen me on stage with Puff  “P-Diddy”  i turned into the fliest guy in the room... lol  quite an experience

5. Geeks or Nerds?
i would have to say neither because its the year of the square

6. My last tweet was...
My last tweet was “Dream Big as shit”

7. You call yourself a new genre of music, do you have a name for it?
Yea we call it our “Square Gang” we say things like “Square Gang or don’t Bang”   basically saying “either your down with us or nothing”

8. American Idol or Glee?
i would have to say Glee for the showmanship
9. When will you be touring?
10. 'Hey Sexy Lady Remixes' is out now, when should we expect a full length?

we expect our record at full length MARCH 1st ,it goes to top 40 radio...get ready world 4 iSquare.

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