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Mike Ruocco

Mike Ruocco: Quickie 10

The former Cinder Road frontman has collaborated with artists and producers such as Aerosmith Producer/Co-writer Marti Frederiksen, Stacy Jones, Mitch Allan, Holly Knight, Jack Blades, Duff McKagan, Candlebox, Scott Stevens, Vivian Campbell, Mark Holman, The Gracious Few and has achieved Top 25 positioning with the active rock song "Get In Get Out" and a Top 40 active rock track with "Should've Known Better" (both songs from Cinder Road’s album- Superhuman).

1. Last time you laughed?
Today, I laugh everyday!

2. Have you ever won something from a fair midway?
One time when I was little I won this huge bear, it barely fit in the car.

3. If you were to be a pro athlete what sport would you compete in?
I'd love to play Football but I would guess that being under 6 ft tall i'd have a better shot at baseball!

4. Set an alarm or wake up whenever?
Set an alarm everyday.

5. As a child what did you want to be when you grew-up?
A builder, my dad was a custom home builder.

6. Favorite book?
I really enjoyed the Aerosmith book "Walk This Way."

7. Have you ever changed a tire?
Yes indeed.

8. You have performed with Kiss and have a tour with Daughtry.  At what point did you feel like you "made it" or has that time come yet?
I felt like when we were out with both Daughtry and KISS that we were on the cusp of something huge. I knew that there was a "moment" happening right then but I have yet to feel like we have "made it".

9. You have performed a lot for U.S. Military.  What has been the inspiration behind that choice?
We have always supported the troops and their families. this was our change to really give something back and be a part of something special.

10. Your music has evolved over the years.  Are you conscious to not let it drift too far from where you started?
Yes and no. I write songs based on life experiences and life is constantly changing so therefore in a small way my music is always changing but I would say that my sound will always be my sound.


Interview by Kara Johnson