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Left of the Dial: Idly By

Idly By

(Left of the Dial)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Even though Detroit is having some problems when it comes to their finical dealings, the city still has something left to offer. That offering would be the punk band Left of the Dial. This motor city punk band has a new LP out called "Idly By" that contains a total of 8 tracks. Taking the tracks from two separate EP's, one from a 2012 EP and the other from a 2013 EP and have put those songs together to form this LP. This is the new punk rock being played by Left of the Dial and it's the kind that won't be getting played on the radio, at least not through a radio station but if you are like me where you have a radio that as a plug for your MP3 player then this LP will be getting some radio time.
Idly By really isn't a radio punk band and because of that I liked their music more than most of the radio punk that I've heard. Why? Because this music does what punk is supposed to do by playing rough songs that have a rebellious nature to them but also songs that convey the emotions of the band members in a way that don't fit in with the typical song format. Like all music, punk is supposed to elicit an emotional response in the listener but it's response is one that should be intense, like the music. Left of the Dial does exactly that with their music by giving the listener music that's rough yet also well played with lyrics that have meaning and vocals that make you want to sing along. From listening to the LP I was feeling the emotions that was being put into the songs while also enjoying what I was hearing.
This is a strong LP that has songs that make me want to be 19 again so I can have that feeling of anxiety and energy. That's what I get from listening to Idly By. Songs that make me feel like I am a teenager again where the world just don't understand me and all I want to do is make my voice be heard but by doing it in my own way. The songs are played with a lot of passion where the vocals are strong, loud, intense, and full of emotion. It would have been easy for these vocals to go over the edge by just being a lot of screaming that don't make sense but they don't. Instead the vocals are clear enough to be understood while also being loud and rough enough to give them an edge. Though good vocals need good support from the instruments and that's exactly what is given on these songs. I was quickly tapping my feet and pounding out beats on my desk (poorly I must admit) as the songs played. They have a vibrance to them that is infectous. Idly By has some moments when I could hear the youth in how they played the songs but I also heard the skill that it takes to play punk music and Left of the Dial has some skill.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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