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The Carol Burnett Show: Christmas with Carol
Christmas With Carol are two episodes from the long running, much loved Carol Burnett show that’s just in time for the holiday season. In it special guests Alan Alda, Jonathon Winters, Helen Reddy, and more join the cast of the hit skit show that includes musical numbers as well. 
Okay, so the collection isn’t completely Christmas, but I’d be hard pressed to find a skit in the collection that didn’t crack me up. From the timeless Higgins family Christmas sketch that stars guest Alan Alda as the prodigal son returning home to the hilarious late night office celebratory drink of Tim Conway as the Swedish accented Mr. Tudball and his secretary (Vicki Lawrence) Mrs. Wiggins. 
Other sketches include a hilarious Gestapo like Tim Conway whose come to the home of a couple accused of using to much water during a water shortage. The sketch starts off relatively tame and then just explodes into a full out laugh riot that’s made even more hilarious when it comes to it’s abrupt end. Another episode stars Alda and Lawrence as a couple of shut-in’s who love television and who can only respond to one another with lines from their favorites show and films. It’s a sketch way ahead of its time depicting the trend these days of characters spouting out pop culture references. 
I can’t say I was wild about the musical numbers. One was a guest performing a song and dance number that probably would have been amazing at the time. Another was enjoyable as a Nutcracker like tune where dolls come to life in a toy store and sing about their lives and the holidays. 
Bonus features include bonus sketches including the hilarious 12 Days After Christmas song sun by Burnett herself. Includes other bonuses that I would say are give and take. 
All together though this is wouldn’t be a bad way to drop a ten spot. Over an hour of content including bonus features and non-stops laughs. If you’re into them, you get the musicals as well. Well worth it. Enjoy. 
AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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