Ultimate Laurie Berkner Band Collection

Ultimate Laurie Berkner Band Collection

(Laurie Berkner Band)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
There is no doubt that Laurie Berkner is a fantastic Musician and that everyone that backs her does an amazing job. This best of collection contains a very pristine sounding collection of recordings that, musically, will blow your mind. Berkner’s range is great and you can really tell that she has talent when you get to the voice only tracks. 
My one quip with Berkner is that, if this is a best of album, lyrically she comes off a bit boring. Every song contains the same formula of silly wordplay and chorus but it’s limited to a repetitious cycle that makes me feel like Berkner doesn’t have a whole lot to say. 
I’ve been covering the kids music scene for awhile now and there have been some pretty amazing kids acts out there and the one thing that made them great is the fact that they could both play on a level that would keep both the kids and the parents entertained as well as having a lyrical depth that reaches Bohemian Rhapsody quality. Berkner failed to envelope me in the world of narration and instead to use the same tried and true pop song formula that has made top 40 radio so popular yet so expendable. 
You can look at this formula as either Berkner understands young minds have a refresh rate of mere seconds and keeps it repetitious for the sake of keeping the kids minds focused on a small amount of information or its that something else that kept me from loving the album. 
AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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