>> Taxidermia (2010)

Title: Taxidermia

Genre: Horror

Starring: Gábor Máté, Istvan Znamenak, Peter Blasko, Istvan Hunyadkurthy, Piroska Molnar

Director: György Pálfi

Studio: E1 Entertainment

Runtime: 91 minutes

Release Date: April 6, 2010

Format: DVD

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 0.82 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D-

Official Site

The back of the DVD case mention an obese speed eater from Hungary, a taxidermist who enjoys stuffing cats, and a man who shoots flames from his penis. Yes, you heard that correctly; a man who can shoot fire from his penis. Why? I have no idea.

Reading the synopsis on the back cover is the probably the most information you’ll get out of Taxidermia as it’s a seemly random pile of ridiculous stories that come from the most obscure mind in the business. The film opens with the flaming penis man and they are not shy about showing his magical talent although they keep things quiet when it comes to explaining why he can do it. That’s the thing with this movie, not much is actually explained, only shown.

The film isn’t afraid to be crude or downright filthy. It routinely shows nudity, sodomy, buckets of spewing vomit, and some other disgusting visuals. If they were going for shock and WTF!? value, then they succeeded. Other than that, there isn’t really much to say about this film.

In all honesty, it’s one of the craziest films I’ve watched. What little plot there is is turned upside down by the constant barrage of disturbing images. Taxidermia is one of those amazingly horrible films that you can’t help but watch.


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