>> The Vow (2012)

Title: The Vow

Genre: Drama, Romantic

Starring: Channing Tatum, Rachel McAdams, Sam Neill, Scott Speedman, Jessica Lange, Jessica McNamee

Director: Michael Sucsy

Studio: Screen Gems

Runtime: 104 minutes

In Theatres: February 10, 2012

Rating: 2.00 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C

Official Site

 What if the person you love and married just one day forgot you ever existed. In an instant, all traces of you were wiped from their memory. After suffering massive head trauma in a car crash, Paige (Rachel McAdams) wakes up from her coma with no recollection of who her husband, Leo (Channing Tatum), is. In an effort to save their marriage, Leo will go through any means necessary to help her remember the love they once shared.

The Vow is based on the true story of a wife who forgot everything about her husband after a horrific car accident and his efforts to reignite that spark of love between them. It’s basically a real life version of a Nicholas Sparks novel, only no one dies from cancer halfway through the movie. Still, prepare to bring tissues because this one can be a tear jerker.

For a brief moment, audiences get to see the happy, loving life Leo and Paige lived, and then all of that is quickly taken away in a matter of moments. From there on it’s an awkward look at Channing Tatum do his best to try and win her heart all over again. Despite his multiple appearances in romantic comedies, Tatum still does best in the action genre and can’t quite showcase the emotional turmoil necessary for the film. But hey, at least he’s good at taking his shirt off, right? Rachel McAdams fairs slightly better with her dazed and confused look, trying to remember anything from her marriage but failing.

There are plenty of sweet and caring moments that are typical to the romantic genre that’ll get the tear ducts flowing but it doesn’t go much further beyond that. The Vow simply doesn’t have the emotional pull of other romances, for one reason or another. Don’t go in with high expectations and you may be pleasantly surprised. Sure, it’s a good movie to see on a date or with your significant other but there’s not much beyond that.

Follow me on Twitter @Majiesto


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