>> Local Artist Spotlight: Arroe Collins - My Blonde Rock and Roll Roots Are Beginning To Show

Local Artist Spotlight: Arroe Collins - My Blonde Rock and Roll Roots Are Beginning To Show

Sometimes you come across an album filled with music that seems to defy the conventional term of the word. It’s got all the basic fundamentals of music but deep down it does something to you that the watered down pop radio stuff simply fails to do. Arroe Collins’ My Blonde Rock and Roll Roots Are Beginning To Show is one of those exceptional albums. So what makes it so good?

The music is what makes the album accessible to all. Its got a nice little nod to rock and roll from the late 1960’s on up without feeling clichéd or entering the all too common platform of mimicry you hear in some music these days. By spreading the soundscape so wide every song manages to distance itself from the last, pretty much eradicating any notion to skip forward over a song here or there. In the parlance of our times, “It’s all good”. On that basis alone the album is noteworthy.

I was privileged enough to be offered an unfinished copy of the album featuring both mastered and raw unpolished cuts which made it extra interesting when gauging the vocals on the album. Obviously the unfinished cuts will have to be omitted as reviewable vocal material but there was plenty to get excited about. Lots of carefully layered vocals and even some narration. Yeah, you probably didn’t see that coming. Which brings me to the next part of my review. The lyrical.

For those of you who know Collins you probably know that he’s one busy guy. He’s a radio personality, a poet, an author, a painter, well, the list seemingly goes on and on. In short the man is an artist and that part of him really begins to shine when it comes to the written word found within. In each song Collins tackles its theme with purpose making sure to leave no word without meaning. The lyrical content is personal, spiritual, delivered with a poets flare, surrounded by culture, and executed with a mixture of styles. If the musical portion of the album is what makes it accessible to all the lyrical is the thing that keeps you coming back and enjoying your stay every time. I’m excited to hear how this album turns out once it’s completely finished and without a doubt look forward to hearing the responses it receives. Make sure to dial in to 1065 The End here in the Carolina’s to catch the album track Ultimate High which debuted last Sunday or follow the link below. Enjoy.



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