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By Lee Roberts

Amazing Spider-Man 2 Trailer Break Down - Wonder Woman - & I talk some Comics


Has anyone read Jupiter's Legacy? Right now only 3 issues have been released for the bi-monthly series that Mark Miller is writing. Well, issue #4 won't be released until January now. Not sure what day exactly but considering that it was supposed to have been released in October the exact day don't really matter now. Right now this looks like it will be another book that will take a few years to have the full series published. Which sucks because the full series is only supposed to be 10-12 issues and was called to be finished within 20 months (near 2 years). Going on the way it's now being released that 20 month time frame will end up being a lot more.

On a happier side of comics getting released, Marvel will be putting out a new Moon Knight series. Yes, Moon Knight gets another on going series. I never understand why they keep canceling the title. So far over the course of 32 years there have been 5 volumes to the title. Volume 3 that came out from years 1989-1994 had the most issue with 60, the second most was volume 1 with 38, then volume 4 with 30, volume 5 with 12, and volume 2 with the least amount at 6 issues. In 2014 (still not used to it being a new year so soon) the title will get volume 6 and I can't wait to be reading it. This is one of my top 5 favorite characters. He's basically the Batman of the Marvel Universe but only he's crazy.

I have to talk a smack about Superior Spider-Man #23 that was released this month. It's yet another page filled issue of trashing the character. I'm still wondering why Flash Thompson don't know that Peter Parker is Spider-Man? The symbiote knows he is so shouldn't Flash now know? Plus, shouldn't the suit know that Ock is in Peters mind when it gets on him? And is the Goblin Norman? With that comment he made about knowing I'm thinking it is him.

Inhumanity has begun and it spins out of the series Infinity that just ended. Though at the moment I can't say anything about the title that just begun because I'm just now starting to read the Infinity series. Which I got to say right now is a bit confusing with all the many characters that are appearing in it and the fighting. Like who are the Builders? It's being said that they are the oldest beings in the universe and quite possibly are the ones that created the worlds. Now they are going around destroying them and the people of the many worlds are fighting them. Thanos is wanting the last infinity gem that didn't get destroyed, which how I missed that little bit of image of the others breaking and that one not being there kind of annoys me but it's there or I should say not there. Now, why did it not get destroyed, how did it not, and where is it? I'm thinking this might be a way to bring back the others. Not that I know right now cause I've only read the first issue of Infinity and my intent with this was just to say that Inhumanity has begun.



If you didn't know at this point then you haven't turned on the internet to see that the first official trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is out. I was expecting the trailer to be pretty cool, considering all the stills I've seen over the last months I just knew Marc Webb would give us a treat. However, I didn't expect that treat to be like this. I want to break down the trailer in a whole but that would be too much because I want to leave some for later blogs.
This blog though I will hit on some of the cooler, amazing, and mysterious scenes in the trailer. Don't worry there are a bunch of them.

Let's start at the start shall we...

1) Wow, this is one of the coolest openings I've seen. Having the spider symbol show up first in black and then having the suit fade in then the whole scene as we see Spidey falling. Why is he falling from this height? My only guess is that it's from the plane that's shown later in the trailer, but this was a great opening.

2) Showing of Spidey's strength with him catching and holding a police car on his back. Though you have to suspend belief in some areas because unless this car has a roll bar in it and even with Spider-Man being able to hold the car, the roof is a weak spot and would just crumple under all that weight, still a very cool scene.

3) Why is Peter at a grave yard? This could be a few people he's visiting. One of course being Uncle Ben, but then again with all the talk and showing of his parents he could be at their grave site. But we also now know that Green Goblin is in this movie so is this the one where Gwen dies and he's now at her grave site?

4) Here's the Rhino suit that's not the suit everyone knows that's a skin. This new suit is more like armor or a machine.

5) Goblin is revealed. Looks like this time around though the Green Goblin is going to be Harry Osborn. Yeah, I know Harry was the Goblin but he was not the original Goblin, that belongs to his father Norman but maybe not in Marc Webb's vision.

6) Yep, Harry Osborn still looks emo.

7) Harry tells Peter that Oscorp has been watching Peter but why? Is is because of him being Spider-Man or because of his parents? Maybe it's both?

8) Speaking of Peters parents, this is some super secret layer that his dad Richard had. There's a recording talking about Oscorp having secrets that he needs to let the world know. Wonder what secrets those are?

9) Who is the mysterious man here? I'm thinking it's Norman Osborn but considering what I'm going to show for #10 and #11 it's a possibility he could be Otto Octavius.

10) Rumors had it that this movie might be ramping up for the Sinister Six. The original six where Doc Ock, Sandman, Kravin, Vulture, Mysterio, and Electro but over the years there have been different members of the six and considering that there is still a third movie that will come out the six could still be anyone. But in this trailer we know Electro is already there, it's possible that Rhino might become one, and look at this shot, there's the Vultures wings and Ocks arms. That leaves only 2 members to be accounted for and if they put Goblin as the head of the gang, that's only 1 left to cast. And there's the mysterious man walking through the cases.

11) Speaking of the Sinister Six, look at the following scenes after showing the arms and wings. There's 6 doors.

12) We knew from the first movie that Norman was still alive but he was sick. Now we get to see him and he's still sick but is he sick because of some disease or because of the Goblin formula?

13) Next up is the fight between Rhino and Spidey. I got to tell you that I watched this over and over again and even did frame by frame because this looks like it will be epic.


14) Who are these 2 guys? I have no clue what-so-ever but they seem to be in a big fight.

15) Speaking of a big fight, look who shows up fighting. Goblin vs Spidey.

16) And the last one of the list is yet another epic looking fight between Electro and Spidey.

Alright, not to have Spider-Man taking up all the talk on this blog there was other news released this week about upcoming movie. Wonder Woman will be in the Batman vs Superman movie and the model Gal Gadot. I got to say, wow I think they picked the right looking woman.

Other movie news is some that won't be out until 2016. According to a post on twitter by Bryan Singer, the X-Men will be seeing Apocalypse in 2016. Hmm, this man has a great job.

Also, don't forget that The Wolverine came out this past Tuesday. There are different versions with Blu Ray, DVD, and the extended cut Blu Ray. I got the extended cut and I didn't tell any difference but the last time I watched it was in the theater so I might not have remembered a scene that wasn't in there that I thought was or something like that. I'll be watching the theater version again and the extended cut to see if I can find the difference but currently I can't. It also costs more because it has 4 discs, one is the 3D Blu Ray, one is theater version, then extended, and DVD/Digital copy. There's also some artwork cards included in the set that's put in a box that's kind of cool. However, if you are not a big fan and only want the movie I advise with saving money and getting either the DVD or just plain Blu Ray.