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By Lee Roberts

Peter Parker Could Be Coming Back and Wonder Woman is From Krypton???


This I had to talk about because it has me more excited then I've been for a year in comics. Some people have called me crazy already, one is not too thrilled with it, but I just don't care because if it is what I hope it to be then I'll be ecstatic over it.
I want to show an image but every site I look at that talks about it has had the image removed at the request of Marvel, so I'm just skipping over that and not posting the image that's been shown but removed. Though I can post another image that will say the same thing.

If you can't guess that hint, supposedly (nothing confirmed yet) is that The Amazing Spider-Man #1 will be coming out sometime in April. Like I said, it's not confirmed, it's just a image that was the cover of the upcoming All New Marvel NOW! March-April Previews #3 that shows Peter Parker swinging while wearing the original Spidey costume, mask off, with a big grin on his face and at the bottom it says The Amazing Spider-Man #1.
Does this mean that Peter Parker is going to be back in his own body and is once again the one and true Web Slinger? I sure hope so but again this is unconfirmed as of now and anything is possible. With the time/space/universe problem still in effect there could be a possible storyline saying that a past Peter Parker is now in the present while his present self is still dead and Ock is still in control of his body. What about a clone? It's possible that they have Peter Parker be put in a cloned body or even Ock be put into a cloned body. It's possible that Ock will be killed off and Peter is back in full control or even have both of them sharing his mind like it was at the start of Superior Spider-Man. Right now, I'm hoping it's Peter Parker in his own body, not a past version of himself or a clone or the sharing, but unless they wipe out all that's been done (that did it already) then Peter/Spider-Man will have to deal with what Ock did while in the body and as Spider-Man. First and foremost the killing, then all the bots, the blackmailing of JJJ, putting down nearly every hero and villain, the beatings, the cruel way he treated Aunt May and MJ, but also the more positive actions like the doctorate and the company that Ock gained while in the body of Peter Parker.
Why are they bringing back or maybe bringing back Peter Parker now? My guess is that it's because of the movie The Amazing Spider-Man 2 coming out this Summer. Wouldn't be as good to have a movie that will bring a lot of new readers to a comic that's looking to read about Peter Parker from the movie and get Doc Ock in the body of Peter Parker. Some people might not even know who Doc Ock is so how would they react to what's going on in Superior? Or it could be that they finally came to their senses and realized that Spock is a villain, don't matter that he's masquerading as Spider-Man, he's still Doc Ock, the bad guy.

Did anyone get this? I haven't read it yet, I'm only on #25 right now, but this is one of the times that I got to say I don't mind spending the $7.99 cover price. Here's why.
1) 96 pages
2) Starts off the new story Gothtopia
3) Has multiple covers that are all pretty much very cool
4) It has the new modern day origin story of Batman
5) It's Batman

 Once again the sequel to Man of Steel aka Batman vs. Superman, is getting some controversy over it. There is now rumors going around that Wonder Woman, who will be played by Gal Gadot, is going to be a Kryptonian. As can be expected this rumor has people in an uproar over the idea that Wonder Woman is from Krypton and not an Amazonian princess. My thoughts, I don't like the idea either, to change her race/heritage would be no different than saying that Superman is from Earth not Krypton. Would it make explaining her history easier? Yeah probably since they could say she is from the Kryptonians who went out looking for other planets or even from the ship that was used in the first movie. It would explain her power, why she was there, but it would take away everything that makes Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman. I'm not saying that I'm opposed to tweaking a character, they did it in this new version of Superman (and yes I was opposed to the idea of Superman being a darker version and I still don't really like the idea) but all they did was tweak the idea that Superman of the 50's wouldn't work with the modern age society, which is true. Then it worked because the world was a different way of life where today to have a hero fight someone with the same power level as Superman and not cause any death or destruction is just stupid but his story was still the same. If they want to make Wonder Woman more aggressive that's fine, if they have her kill someone, not good but can be acceptable, but to change who she is, does just that, changes who she is.