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By Lee Roberts

3 Movie Deal for Gal Gadot Logan Gets Killable and Spidey Game

If you don't know by this point, there's going to be a sequel to Man of Steel in which Batman and Wonder Woman will be in. The actress playing Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot, who by the way is a woman that looks very good, has signed a deal with Warner Bros to do 3 films. Right now I don't know for sure what those 3 films will be, at least not 2 of the 3, because 1 of them is the Batman vs Superman movie. However, myself along with the majority of the comic world is guessing that the movies will be a Justice League and stand alone Wonder Woman movie. I had this first reaction to this.
Really? This soon?

Maybe this is good news and it could be bad as well. Good news is that we have consistancy in the character and actress being the same for at least 3 movies. Good that we can believe that there will be a Justice League and Wonder Woman movie in the future. The bad? The bad is that Gal Gadot could be a horrible Wonder Woman. If she is, if she is not good in the role, for whateve reason, then we have to deal with her being in at least 2 more movies. Sure she looks great, I am looking forward to seeing her in the Wonder Woman costume, but until I see her in the movie as that character I will hold off in wanting to watch her in future movies.

Did anyone else read the story line in Wolverine called "Killable"?
I did and I got to say I thought it was kind of a let down. Here is this story that is taking a character that was made cool because he has these claws that pop out of his hands and he can't be killed and heals from anything. Now he can't use his claws that much because he can't heal from anything and he can now die. Sure it sounds good for a short story line but make it count.

In this he was in a mall fighting ninjas with some security guards and Kitty Pryde. He gets cut up a lot, he has Sabertooth yet again telling him he's a monster and killer, and yes now Kitty knows he is a killer (which by the way how does any character in the Marvel Universe not know that Wolverine is a killer? It's not like he hides the fact that he has killed, he slices people up on a daily basis, yet now Kitty is like oh you are a bad man.).

I waited until all the parts where out, that's 6 issues, before I read them because I wanted to have the thrill of reading this story that was supposed to be really good all at once instead of having to wait for each issue. I should have just read them as they came out becuase this story was nothing that great, it felt like a rehashing of him losing his powers before, and quite frankly I don't see how it will be interesting in the future with him not having his powers.

This time around I'm not talking about the comic book version of Spider-Man, it's the video game. The trailer for the Amazing Spider-Man 2 video game has been released and I'm back and forth on it. The trailer features Kraven the Hunter as the narrator telling Spider-Man that he will train him to become what he is meant to be, the ultimate hunter. Ok, so I like the idea of Spider-Man being this great hunter but I don't like the idea of Kraven training him. I also didn't quite like the way Kraven looks in this trailer but that's just being nit-picky.

Still, Kraven is a enemy to Spider-man and for some who think he's not that high on the list of enemies, Kraven is still one of Spideys worst enemies. He's one of the very, very few on the list of people that's killed Spidey. Sure he came back and wasn't actually dead dead per say, but he did and Kraven is the one that done it. So what is he doing as a teacher in the game? Maybe this is how the movie will have Kraven being introduced where he trains Spidey, spidey realizes the guy is nuts and evil, and they become enemies? I'm not sure but I did really like the trailer. The way they have Spidey fighting looks like it will be a fun and I'm betting hard game to play.