>> War Tapes

Entry Deadline: January 1, 2010

Artist: War Tapes

Album: The Continental Divide

Genre: Rock

Label: Sarathan

Tracks: 12

Release Date: May 26, 2009

Official Site

Grand Prize

-Signed CD-

>See Prizing<

War Tapes' first full-length record is one of those albums that I have been listening to over and over again ever since I got it. The Continental Divide is one of those albums that music snobs will be talking about years from now when War Tapes becomes huge. They will all claim that they heard it first, and were into the band before anyone else was.
The second track on the album, "Dreaming of You", is one of the best tracks that I have heard in a while. It is fully reminiscent of The Cure in the best way, and it has powerful vocals akin to Depeche Mode. Basically the track takes all of the awesome rock from the 80s, and mashes it together while still making it sound relevant to today's music scene.
The album maintains a very dark 80s vibe throughout the whole disc. War Tapes is able to provide this dark 80s sound while still sounding fresh which is where a lot of actual 80s acts tend to fall flat with their new albums. The band also evokes thoughts of The Killers in a few tracks.
If you have a few extra bucks for music this month, make sure you pick up War Tapes' The Continental Divide. You won't be disappointed. Also, make sure you check out the band this summer on tour with VNV Nation.



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