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Find out the real story behind Mean Girls from Lindsey Lohan, Tina Fey and the rest of the cast of the nation's #1 movie...
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INTERVIEW: Thomas Jane
Do you know Thomas Jane? Probably not. But, if all goes well, you will know him as one of the best genre actors in the coming year...
Interview with D.B. Weiss
(Lucky Wander Boy) was really a hybrid of several stories, unfinished stories and half-baked ideas I'd been tossing around for a long time. The kernel of it was a short-story I'd written in which the source of the main character's obsession was not videogames, but a lady wrestler...
Cut Throats & Cold Weather: Sum 41
Sum 41 have always tried to capture the moment in their songs. Mysteriously, their moments seem to be in another dimension than that of ours...
Punk Ain't What It Used to Be: No Use for a Name
No Use For a Name has had a long trip from their beginning days in Sunnyvale CA. With several changes in band members it seems they have found a perfect mix...
Introduction to the Band: Finch
Just before leaving for England in mid-March, we caught up with Finch for a few minutes so they could catch us up a little and introduce themselves to our audience...
Punks & Posers: Who Are You?
I am prepared for the fact that I am about to offend some people; but at this moment I feel what I have to say is much more important. Slowly over perhaps the last two years I�ve been watching the punk scene become more and more trendy...