>> Iron Man 2: The Video Interviews (Robert Downey Jr. & Scarlett Johannson)

Film: Iron Man 2

Talent: Robert Downey Jr.

Job: Actors

Studio: Paramount

In Theatres: May 7, 2010

Official Site

Iron Man is certainly no Batman, Superman or Spider-Man in terms of notoriety in the public eye. At least, this statement would have been valid a few years ago before Robert Downey Jr.'s massively egoed Tony Stark created the suit that would strike a chord with millions of fans (to the tune of $585 million worldwide). Now, Iron Man is nearly as hot of a commodity as the dark knight, some predicting it may even break that movie's opening weekend record.

We sit down with the cast of Iron Man 2 to discuss their roles and the upcoming movie. First up, we talk with Robert Downey Jr. and Scarlett Johansson...

Robert Downey Jr.:

Scarlett Johansson:


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