>> The Lucky One (2012)

Title: The Lucky One

Genre: Drama, Romantic

Starring: Zac Efron, Taylor Schilling, Jay R. Ferguson, Adam Le Fevre

Director: Scott Hicks

Studio: Warner Bros.

Runtime: 1 Hour, 41 Minutes

In Theatres: April 20, 2012

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Reason for Rating: For some sexuality and violence


An Iraq War veteran searches for the woman from a mysterious photo that he credits with saving his life during three tours of duty in this romantic drama adapted from the book by Nicholas Sparks. U.S. Marine sergeant Logan Thibault (Zac Efron) was serving his country overseas when he happened across a discarded photo of a beautiful woman. An inscription on the back read "Keep Safe," yet the photo revealed no clues about either the subject or her whereabouts. Upon returning home to civilian life, Logan conducts his own research and discovers that the woman's name is Beth (Taylor Schilling) and that she cares for dogs at a small-town kennel. Before long, Logan manages to get a job at the kennel, and sets his sights on winning Beth's heart. But it won't be easy because Beth's past experiences have made her wary of relationships. Meanwhile, as Logan works to earn Beth's trust, a dark secret from her past threatens to derail his hope for a happy future together.


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