
Bruce Willis Joins Looper

Rian Johnson, the man behind Brick and The Brothers Bloom, has nabbed Bruce Willis for his latest film, high concept sci-fi thriller Looper.

Since Johnson has kept the plot largely under wraps until now, various sources have misquoted the basic conceit, but the details are starting to leak properly. The movie follows “Loopers”, hit men from the future who bring their victims back in time to be executed. So when they off them, there’s no evidence that any crime has been committed. Genius!

Willis is playing an older version of Joseph Gordon-Levitt, though it’s not known whether they’ll be playing a victim or one of the killers or even (and this is just a guess) a cop investigating the mysterious assassins from the future.

The big question, of course is, does Bruce Willis really look like an old Joseph Gordon-Levitt? Or, to put it another way, does JGL look like a young Bruce Willis. We’re not sold on that, but who knows what happens to the man in the intervening years. Plus, we have faith in Johnson’s thinking. And we’re glad to see Bruce dealing with time travel again after Twelve Monkeys.

There are no details on when the film will start shooting yet, but we just know we want to see the thing as soon as possible.

Peter Oberth
News by Peter Oberth
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