Doctor Who: A Christmas Carol (BLU RAY)

Doctor Who A Christmas Carol

On Blu-Ray: 
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Running Time: 
131 minutes
Special Features

Behind the scenes/Making of and Doctor Who at the Proms

The Movie:
Doctor Who: A Christmas Carol

Their Description:
Amy and Rory are trapped on a crashing space liner, and the only way the Doctor can rescue them is to save the soul of a lonely old miser, Kazran Sardick. But is Sardick, the richest man in Sardicktown, beyond redemption? And what is lurking in the fogs of Christmas Eve?

My Description:
With a space liner ship carrying more than 4000 thousand people is about to crash on a planet it will take the help of The Doctor (played by Matt Smith) to save them. Amy Pond (played by Karen Gillan) and Rory Williams (played by Arthur Darvill) are on their honeymoon on the ship that is crashing and try to reach The Doctor for some help. Once The Doctor responds he goes right to where the problem of the crash is, on the planet that is covered by a fog that has fish in it being controlled by Kazran Sardick (played by Michael Gambon). Now The Doctor must find a way to unfreeze the heart of Kazran and the frozen damsel Abigail (played by Katherine Jenkins) before the liner ship carrying all the 4000 plus people, Amy and Rory crashes killing them all.

What Makes it Watchable:
I don’t know but I like it. That’s my first thought and reaction to this. I’ve never seen an episode of Dr. Who before and had no idea what it was about or who any of the characters where. But I got to say this was an excellent introduction for me to the show.
What did I like about this? Everything! This was such an amazing movie to watch, even with it being a Christmas special. I was laughing so much with all the humor that’s in it, the sarcasm that’s so funny, and then just boggled by such an amazing amount of effects that look so real.

Before any of the acting is done there’s the CGI that is first shown. It’s these effects that first caught my attention and I was hooked. That’s how good they are. It’s amazing how wondrous, beautiful, and so out of this world this opening looks. Given it’s a BLU RAY the quality looks amazing and so real.
Moments later the actors kick in with their characters that show how to take a story that’s been told so many times and make it capturing to the viewer. Every actor does a superb job at not only making their characters believable and life like, but they make them interesting and intriguing to watch. 

The story is also just as catching as the acting and the effects. I’ve seen a ton of specials about the story, A Christmas Carol. Out of all the many different versions that I’ve seen, the majority of the keep with the same old fashioned format. Not here in ‘Doctor Who A Christmas Carol’. It’s still has the same underlying theme of a grinch not liking Christmas and needs to be shown why it’s good, and then changing his ways but there’s a great twist to it. This is not about why the man is mean to others, or even why he don’t like Christmas, it’s all about him not wanting to loose his love and then having to come to terms with it. As sad as this is it’s also amazingly happy and has a good heart to it, I can’t wait to watch it on Christmas next year.

Why I Wanted to Hit  ■  (that’s the square symbol for stop)
Only 1, yep only the 1, thing that I didn’t like about this. It’s not long enough. The total time with the special features come in at 131 minutes but sadly the movie itself is only 61 minutes long. When I told my friend that I had to watch this I was told to expect around 2 hours because it’s a BBC show. When all I got was an hour and I saw how good it was, I was really wanting it to be 2 hours long.

In 1 Sentence:
Doctor Who: A Christmas Carol has taken a very old story, put a twist on it, made it fun, interesting, sad, funny, loving, and a new holiday classic.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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