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Dynasty: The Eighth Season (Vols. 1 & 2)


On DVD: 
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Ah Dynasty. The drama. The intrigue. The betrayals. The love affairs. Murders. Baby-napping. Big hair. Bigger shoulder pads. A web of lies. Backstabbing. And on and on and on.

These two volumes compile this set cover the entire eighth season of Dynasty. In the waning seasons, the ratings for the show dropped pretty consistently, so season eight ended up being the penultimate one. Now before this review, I'd never seen a minute of Dynasty, but even to my newbie eyes, it seemed like the seams were showing at this point in the show. Of course, it's entirely possible that the writing and acting were always bad. Granted, I'm not the soap opera type, but as I watched this, it was very tough figuring out why anyone in their right mind would (or could) get hooked on this nonsense.

From the get-go, season eight starts out with a hostage situation as the Carringtons are held in their own home at gunpoint by an old family friend gone crazy. It just gets better from there. Okay, who am I kidding? It just gets worse and worse. It's laughable, but I guess some people love this stuff. If that's you, then no amount of criticism from me will change your mind. So get excited about the fact that season eight is finally out on DVD. But for the rest of us? Steer clear of this and don't look back. Trust me, you'll be better off.

Jeremy Hunt
Review by Jeremy Hunt
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