Emi Ferguson: Emi Ferguson Plays the Flute Music of Kendall Briggs

Emi Ferguson Plays the Flute Music of Kendall Briggs

(Emi Ferguson)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

     From the very first go round with Emi Furgeson's collaboration with titular composer, Kendalle Durelle Briggs, it's more then easy to point out Briggs' tenacity for his craftsmanship as well as the passion and power of Furgeson's playing. The music will travel taking you to pinpoints in your own experiences. For me it was films about renaissance, classic Medieval, and even some folklore and fantasy genres. Where it will take you really depends on your life experiences or inspirations lifted from the sound of the album.
     Ferguson's performance on the album, as I stated above, is passionate and powerful. One of the defining qualities of the album for me is the production in which Ferguson's every breath between notes is captured. At first I felt like it was possibly drawing away from the music, but as I came to appreciate the level of mastery revolving around the performance I started to become fascinated with the raw sounds of Ferguson's playing. It began to illuminate the fact that, yes, someone was indeed performing this complex and awe-inspiring music. Qualities in production such as these are usually reserved more towards vinyl offerings that capture sound to its core.
     Though I can't say that I'm a flute fan, so to speak. I can easily find myself becoming one. My only qualms with the album still has to do with production values. At times Ferguson is simply overpowering some tracks that feature Briggs on piano. Briggs at times becomes somewhat of an echo in the background. Levels may need to be adjusted at times. Overall though, musically, the album is a mastercraft performance that is pleasant to the ear and truly puts the flutist category at a whole new level. Definitely check it out.

AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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