George Varghese: Back In Time

Back In Time

(George Varghese)
Release Date: 
Monday, November 2, 2015
Did You Know?

Stepping Stones is the oldest song on the album , having been written in 1996. The most current track on the album is Crystal Waves which Varghese dedicates to his daughter who was two weeks old at the time when he wrote it.

     Back In Time opens with "Lost In The Wind", a tune that immediately sets the standard for Varghese's playing. It can be epically and sonically lulling and just as quickly jump into break neck speed without compromising the mood of the track.
     The opening track is atmospheric with Steve DeMar's bass playing acting as an ominous background character to the fight song of Varghese's seemingly always purposeful guitar, while Tony Das' guitar and William Demoz's drum support in the background sets ambiance to the canvas. It really has an epic narrative that sets up the rest of the album.

     Back In Time is without a doubt a guitar album. Varghese lists guitarists such as Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, and Eddie Van Halen (to name a few) as influence, and it shines throughout this album.
     Sometimes the music does tend to sound a bit throwback, but considering the cookie cutter/kitchen sink feel of music these days, it's a bit refreshing to return to a time when players were all about making music and not trying to make the biggest splash possible, as if it might be their only shot. Once you hear Varghese shred his guitar without wasting a note and offering up zero sour ones, it's obvious that he's going to be around for a long time to come. I highly recommend checking out the album. No doubt Varghese will soon be listed as inspiration from future up and comers. Enjoy.

AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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