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Mixology: Liv & Ron (PREVIEW)


Liv & Ron
Regular Air Date: 
Wednesdays @9:30PM ET
Air Date: 
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

 It's the second episode for the new show Mixology being aired on ABC that's based on one night at a bar for a group of people. That group of people consist of 10, some friends, some not so friendly, but all in a way a stranger to another. They want to have fun, to forget about their work, to try to figure out how to cope with the worst day ever in their life, or just try to be adventurous for the first time. It's a regular night but it should turn into a night that will be unforgettable.

That's pretty much the idea for the show, but this is the second episode for the new series where the characters are getting a better introduction. In the first episode we where introduced to the characters Tom and Maya, in this second episode it's all about Liv and Ron. Liv (played by Kate Simses) is the girl that has never done anything dangerous. She's always played it safe, with everything and everyone, including the man who she is now engaged to. Ron (played by Adam Campbell) is the complete opposite of Liv, he's a con artist that's got everything going for him. He has the looks, the accent, and the confidence to get whatever he wants and though he might not know what to do with it once he has it, he makes people want to give it to him. That includes Liv, the girl who is struck with awe over this guy who seems to be the one that will make her become that rebellious girl she's never been able to be.

So it seems that the shows will center about 2 main characters out of the 10 while also giving side stories of the rest of the cast. Which is kind of good because we get to have a show that has a main focus of 2 characters without getting hampered down by trying to show too much. It also has the other cast of characters being shown so that the episode moves along and we don't forget about what the others are doing. Which also works because maybe the characters that are shown in the episode aren't the ones you like, though it's hard to tell at the moment because even though we've been introduced to all of the cast in the first episode we just have a broad idea of who they are. With this episode it now gives a better idea of who Liv and Ron are, so in time all of the characters will be well known and a favorite or favorites will be picked.

I did like the formatting of this show, and like the first episode, I've found this show to be entertaining. It has pretty good writing, especially as this show is so dialog driven, with having the characters interact with each other at one location that forces them to talk. I also like how the show is taking the introductions in small doses so that I was able to get a good sense of who the two main characters where while also still seeing the building of the other characters. I found that in the second episode that I liked Maya and Bruce more while on the fence with Ron and Liv. Sure Liv is a beautiful woman with a great smile but it was her mousey way she is that has me going back and forth. Is she a good person or is she not, what about Ron, is he a good person being the scam artist that he is? I'm thinking that in coming episodes those questions will get some answers while I'll get to wonder about the other characters.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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