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Sakara: Forgetting What Was

Forgetting What Was

Release Date: 
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Sakara’s latest release ,Forgetting What Was, took me back. The music reminded me of local bands like Wish For Eden, popular bands like Tool and Incubus, as well as some not so famous bands like Blackball. It was a bit rough around the edged but enjoyable. 
What I really enjoyed about the album is that it doesn’t have much by way of hang ups. There isn’t a whole lot of idolizing going on, just an album that seems to go at its own pace and music that fit’s the mold of each song. Vocals are natural sounding without effects or a lot of mimicry and lyrically the band isn’t just giving genre fans what they want to hear. It isn’t an album based on general themes that anyone can attach themselves to like love, heartbreak, and anger. The album makes you listen and decipher the lyrical for yourself, and even after you’ve consumed the words you’re not 100% going to be able to manifest the meanings into your own life. Basically, it’s not radio prepped. This is a raw rock album that you have to accept for its sense of individuality and either love it or hate it. I can appreciate that.  
AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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