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Sarah Sample & Edie Carey: 'Til the Morning: Lullabies and Songs of Comfort

'Til the Morning: Lullabies and Songs of Comfort

(Sarah Sample & Edie Carey)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
From the first track to the last I was enveloped by the beautiful sounds coming from Edie Carey & Sarah Sample’s ‘Til The Morning. The album is a collection of covers and originals by both singers and is designed to be a calming album for both adults as well as children. 
The album compasses a very compassionate theme which focuses on that bond of love between two people, weather it be a mother and child or a man and woman. The songs are performed so tenderly and beautifully with so much emotion it’s hard not to get caught up in the music. Fair warning though, this music is entirely too relaxing. I don’t recall getting such a great nap in since I saw Celtic Women live. Harmony is so hypnotizing and the album is filled with stringed instruments and light touches almost everywhere else that it lulls you, which is the album purpose. 
My only real gripe with the album is that the themes tend to mesh together and the tempo of the songs make them run together as well. At times I was a bit bored, but this came after my third of fourth listen. I think moderation is key with this album. An absolute keeper for it’s incredible beauty and it’s relaxing techniques, but it does have it’s faults.
AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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