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Trouble Circus: Ain't Sh*t

Ain't Sh*t

(Trouble Circus)
Release Date: 
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

If you haven't heard of the band Trouble Circus it could be because they are from Norway, that is if you're not from Norway you might not have heard of them. That's changing with their release of their first album, "Ain't Shit" here in the States. With that release this punk rock/ heavy metal band will be having their music with a wider range of listeners. Ain't Shit is 10 songs that could be classified as being punk rock, heavy metal, punk metal, or even sleazy rock but one style it won't be considered as is mellow or easy listening.
Trouble Circus wasn't that impressive when I first listened to their album. It was the vocals that I found myself being disinterested in because it didn't sound like the vocals had that much emotion in them. Take away the moments when he's screaming really loud, those are times that would have the most emotion, but without the screaming there's just the even levels of the vocals and they seemed to be lacking some feeling. I could hear him trying, which is something, but then after a few more times the vocals grew on me some where I stopped being as critical as I first was. I still don't think there is much emotion in the vocals as there could be and without any screaming the songs would just be a normal rock song. Eventually after I had listened to the album for a third time I grew to hear some of the energy and emotion in the songs.
It's mainly due to the instruments on this album that I felt the energy in the songs. There are some solid and primal drum beats being used in the songs that just make me want to play along with the beats. Not to be out done by the drums is the bass being played where it resonates in the body. Though the songs are fast, they are loud, and when listened to for more than just once I did end up liking them. There is a lot of cussing in the songs, sometimes it felt a little unneeded but hey sometimes cussing is unneeded but still fun to do. At times the songs are a little difficult to understand because the vocals are just screams but there are more times when I can understand them and they make some sort of sense in the context that I can hear. Trouble Circus does play a few different ranges of music on this album and they keep a quick at times fast pace through the whole album. Ain't Shit took a few times listening to it for me to get into the songs but once I did I the lively, fast paced, loud music got me pepped up and ready to scream myself.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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