>> Mos Generator: Nomads (2012)

Artist: Mos Generator

Album: Noamds

Members: Tony Reed, Shawn Johnson, Scooter Haslip

Genre: Metal, Rock

Label: 1-2-3-4 GO

Tracks: 9

Type: Digital

Release Date: October 23, 2012

Rating: 3.95 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A

Official Site

Other then the band coming off a long hiatus I knew zilch about Hard Rock/Metal act Mos Generator. I uploaded their album onto my Ipod and hopped in the car and headed out for a drive. Windows rolled up, air conditioner on, not a care in the world. An hour or so later I was home again and not only ready to give the album the headphone treatment, but anxious to hear it again.

After, what can’t honestly be considered digging, I read that the band’s main influence for their sound is Black Sabbath. That ain’t no joke. Vocalist Tony Reed is like a cross between Ozzy Osbourne and Dave Wyndorf, heavy on the Ozzy. I honestly couldn’t stop thinking that if anyone was waiting for a new Ozzy album, this would be a very, very good substitute, but don’t get me wrong, the album stands on its own.

With song titles like Cosmic Arc, Solar Angels, and Nomads, it’s likely you’ll find yourself on your own perspective adventure with the album as Reed simply kills it on vocals while he and the rest of the band hit the music hard, sometimes soft and melancholy, or even at times jazzy in a Doors kind of way, if only for a brief few seconds.

In the end though the album is a fine example of how Hard Rock should be handled. Vocals are solid and production on that stage is phenomenal. You’re able to grasp Reed’s every word and hang on as vocal effects add depth to the delivery (no, no f’n autotune here). Drums are hard hitting, guitars are driving with various stages of speed and difficulty, and bass just smoothes out the whole package even if at times, if you really want to go there, the album sounds a bit familiar. Still, a keeper for me.




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