>> Ozomatli: Ozokidz (2012)

Artist: Ozomatli

Album: Ozokidz

Genre: Kids, Pop, R&B, Reggae/Ska, World Music

Label: Hornblow Recordings

Tracks: 14

Type: LP

Release Date: September 25, 2012

Discs: 1

Rating: 3.79 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site

The guys of Ozomatli play, and I'm quoting from their website here, " a collision of hip hop and salsa, dancehall and cumbia, samba and funk, merengue and comparsa, East LA R&B and New Orleans second line, Jamaican ragga and Indian raga." There's no way that I could even fake to be an expert in all of those musical styles, so I'll simply say that they are the sound of fun. You can tell that they're having a blast playing together and that translates into their music. 

I've never listened to any of their "regular" albums, but their sound is perfect for this kids' record. It's bouncy, fun, and full of energy from start to finish. The great thing about Ozokidz is that, unlike a lot of music geared towards kids, the music isn't grating. It's a blast to listen to at any age, without the normal awful repetitiveness that plagues weaker kids' music. Topically, they hit a lot of great subjects from "Trees," "Germs," "Water," "Exercise," and "Spelling." Those also happen to be the title of those songs, so most of these are fairly straightforward. But that's appropriate for the target audience in this case.

All in all, this is a great CD for children. At about 37 minutes, it flies by, but again, that's perfect for the short attention spans of the kids who will be listening. If you've got younger kids, you definitely need to check this out.


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