>> Scratch Pervert: Beatdown (2009)

Artist: Scratch Perverts

Album: Beatdown

Members: Prime Cuts, Plus One, Tony Vegas.

Genre: DJ/Dance

Label: Fabric

Tracks: 37

Release Date: August 11, 2009

Discs: 1

Rating: 2.87 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B-

Official Site

I've been to a few clubs in my time and in that time they have always had a DJ or were playing some music that a DJ would play. With those times that they were playing songs that a DJ would the music seemed to be lacking a fluidness that a DJ gives to it. The songs will have pauses that are too long, the one before or after will either be too fast or too slow, and the ones listening to the songs just can't fully get into the songs. There have been CD's put out that are supposedly a club mix or a DJ mix but the ones I've heard are just like if I was listening to them being played in that club that had no DJ.

That was until I got to listen to Scratch Pervert: Beatdown. I was quite impressed with what I was hearing. Two reasons why I was impressed are with the way the CD was formatted and with the songs themselves. With the first reason I'm talking about the there are a total of 37 songs on this CD but when the songs was finished playing I never, not one time, ever knew when the songs changed between tracks. If I had never looked at the back of the CD cover I would have sworn that there was only one song on this whole CD. The changes were so smooth and for all I know it is one long song that was just cut into 37 parts but it don't matter because I was impressed.

As for the second reason, the songs, they are performed well. These are club mixes, they have the techno beat to them so the amount of vocals in the songs is about 2% of the song and they are fast. When I say fast I mean both in the length of the song and how they are played. If I plan to listen to this CD to play a random track or two I wouldn't care too much for the songs because they are just over a minute long each, with some being 2 minutes. Now when I say they are fast in how they are played I mean they have a quick beat to them. There is no lacking of energy on this CD and for me that was a major plus. The speed of the songs are good for this type of music and if it wasn't there the songs would fall flat. However this whole CD is one long dance song that has one continuous good flow.

Though that energy and the flow of the songs are also what hurt this CD. When I have my mp3 player on random having these songs pop up right after listening to a mellow song just don't do it for me. Plus there is the time and place of when you can listen to the songs. I'm fine with techno music/club mix songs but those times when I'm just lounging around the house or sitting in rush hour traffic I'm not looking for a song that makes me want to get up and dance. So as much as I liked the CD I am also not liking it because I will only listen to it at select times and it won't happen that much. This is a good CD for when heading out for a night on the town but when relaxing, try to find something else.


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