>> ATM (BLU-RAY) (2012)

Title: ATM

Genre: Horror

Starring: Alice Eve, Josh Peck, Brian Geraghty

Director: David Buckley

Studio: MPI Home Video

Runtime: 90 minutes

Release Date: July 31, 2012

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 1.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C-

Playing on the common fear of being attacked when alone at the automated teller machine, ATM tells the story of three people trapped in the small building enclosing an ATM on a very cold night while a silent madman stalks around the darkened parking lot.

It starts off innocently enough as David (Brian Geragthy, The Hurt Locker) longs to talk to Emily (Alive Eve) though previous attempts have been disasterous. But as she leaves the company Christmas party he gets up the courage and offers to give her a ride home. David's friend Corey (Josh Peck), however, was also promised a ride home, so the three of them pile into the car and head out. Corey deftly plays the third wheel, ruining everything, first with inappropriate comments and jokes, and then by suggesting they go get food, and finally by insisting they stop at an ATM so he can get money before they get food.

In the first of many frustrating logical holes in the movie, David parks the car about a hundred feet away from the little ATM building in a mostly dark, completely empty parking lot, forcing Corey to walk. When Corey starts signalling for David, he doesn't pull the car closer, he gets out instead, leaving Emily in the car parked about a hundred feet away. And of course, Emily decides to join them, leaving the car about a hundred feet away. Easily 90% of the movie that follows would be void if they'd simply parked, logically, closer to the building, which only serves to make this behavior even more glaringly terrible.

Anyway, once they three of them are inside and get their money, they turn to find a man in a parka standing ominously between them and their car - you know, the one parked about a hundred feet away. From there the movie takes a lot of typical twists and turns. Little is surprising here. Despite that, the actors play their parts well, and if you can overlook some of the enormous plot holes that defy all logic, the movie delivers decently on it's premise.

The Blu-ray delivers a quality presentation of the film, in both the theatrical and director's cut. The former is 90 minutes, the latter is 85, and after watching both, back to back, I couldn't tell you what the difference is between them. There is also a "Making Of" featurette which mostly focuses on the film not being filmed on a sound stage.

ATM isn't a great movie, but it has tense moments you can enjoy, especially if you can ignore logic for the hour and a half it takes it watch it.


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