>> Leap Frog: Learning DVD Set (2009)

Title: Leap Frog: Learning DVD Set

Edition: DVD Set

Genre: Kids

Director: Roy Allen Smith

Studio: Lions Gate

Runtime: 105 Minutes

Release Date: November 3, 2009

Format: DVD

Discs: 3

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 4.50 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A+

Official Site

I’ve had the extreme pleasure of reviewing all three individual DVD’s that come in this case and like before I am still extremely impressed with Leap Frog’s ability to put children’s minds into perspective. Low run times are sure to keep kids engaged with each individual program and the amount of facts balanced out by the amount of fun and bright color schemes gives kids the connectivity to knowledge that will stick with them long after the program has ended. Overall value the set comes to a reasonable $20.99 (@Amazon) and considering each individual disc comes close to $10 your practically getting the third disc for free as well as the 26 flash cards included in the set. So aside from these being some of the best, in my opinion, fun and educational DVD’s for kids cost wise their a steal. Well worth the purchase.

Set comes with:

Let’s Go To School:
Tad and Lily are nervous about their first day of school. Their firefly Edison takes them on a journey through their school to help them and your children find comfort as well as educating them on a variety of subjects.

Letter Factory:
Leap, Lily and Tad join Professor Quigley in the letter factory where the kids will learn about letter names and the sounds they make in a fun filled environment.

Talking Words Factory:
Leap, Lily and Tad once again join Professor Quigley in the factory to learn about letters and how to use them to create words. The alphabet, phonics skills, and word building all taught with fun and lively characters kids will easily associate with.
26 Flash Cards

Bonus Features:
5 Sing Along Songs
Interactive Alphabet Book
A Sneak Peek At Math Adventure To The Moon
Learning Games



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