>> Mammoth (2010)

Title: Mammoth

Genre: Drama

Starring: Gael García Bernal, Michelle Williams, Marife Necesito

Director: Lukas Moodysson

Studio: MPI Home Video

Runtime: 126 Minutes

Release Date: April 20, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 1.81 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C-

Official Site

Bonus Features


Directed by Lukas Moodysson Mammoth is a story of one family centered in the life of several other characters within the film. Not so much like Crash or Babel because the impact of the families actions are less impact worthy as every character makes individual choices to get where their going without any extra interference from one another. Gael Garcia Bernal (Blindness) plays Leo, a web designer whose success has landed him in Thailand for a spell while his agent works with investors. Meanwhile Leo’s wife, played by Michelle Williams (Brokeback Mountain) is a dedicated ER surgeon whose almost every living second is spent working, further distancing herself from their young daughter who is growing attached to the families Filipino nanny Gloria played by Marife Necesito (Fidel). Gloria lives in the United States while her two sons live in the Philippines with her Mother while she works to send money home to them.

Its so hard to truly grasp the direction of this film. For the first hour I can honestly say the film was lost on me and I was bored. Its liberal sway about the way we live here in The States versus the struggles of immigrants is such an old argument that’s been played far to often in these types of independent films that, personally, I am desensitized to this sort of message. Yes there are atrocities but replacing one ethnicity with another and using the same tired arguments is simply the same story. As for the American family Gael Garcia Bernal’s character was dull and his story ended exactly how you would have expected it to. Michelle William’s character offers up a bit more perspective as her storyline ties in deep with her work as a catalyst for a world metaphor and atrocities in general but in the end it’s the same old typecast; a family well off struggling with self inflicted issues. There is no room for pity when stupidity and lack of family priorities are at the center of ruin. I kept thinking to myself if I was a successful businessman and could afford to give my family the life I believe they deserved I would hope my wife would have the sense to quit her job and to help keep the family together and vice versa. Its just that simple for me. At a staggering 2 hours and 6 minutes the film just drags on and on and when its over your either going to feel as if you wasted your time or come away with a sliver of understanding that holds at least some merit. As always final judgment is yours. Enjoy.


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