>> Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010)

Title: Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

Genre: Action/Adventure

Starring: Logan Lerman, Brandon T. Jackson, Alexandra Daddario, Jake Abel, Pierce Brosnan, Catherine Keener, Uma Thurman, Sean Bean

Director: Chris Columbus

Studio: Fox 2000 Pictures

Runtime: 120 minutes

In Theatres: February 12, 2010

MPAA Rating: PG

Rating: 3.36 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site


Young or old, you'll find something to enjoy in the film. From the awesome Greek mythology to fantastic visuals, Percy Jackson is the new kid in town.

When Zeus finds out that the most powerful weapon ever created, his lightning bolt, has been stolen, he gives the gods two weeks to return it or else there will be war. He believes that Percy Jackson, the son of Poseidon, is the one responsible and sends his minions to retrieve it. Unaware of his demigod status, Percy is about to go on the adventure of a lifetime.

Logan Lerman stars as the hero Percy Jackson and is accompanied by the daughter of Athena, Annabeth Chase (Alexandra Daddario) and his junior protector Grover Underwood (Brandon T. Jackson). The three friends embark on a quest to Olympus to prove Percy's innocence and hopefully stop the impending war.

Unfortunately, his mother gets caught up in the situation and is captured by Hades, who has plans of his own. Now they must descend to the Underworld to rescue her which requires three magical pearls scattered across the US that will help them return to the land of the living. 

The Lightning Thief is based of the first book in the Percy Jackson series. There's action, there's adventure, and most importantly, there's plenty of Greek mythology. From the numerous gods to centaurs and satyrs, people will recognize the majority of the characters. As Percy and the gang search for the pearls, they'll encounter the likes of Medusa, the Hydra, and the Lotus eaters; all of which have been modified for modern day. If you're into Greek mythology (and who isn't?) then The Lightning Thief is an excellent representation.

While the original story has Percy 12 years old, the film adaptation has been modified for a slightly more mature audience. The good thing is that it's good for both kids and adults alike. Some references, such as the Underworld being located in Hollywood of all places, are clearly geared towards adults. A few themes might be too mature for the very young; Grover being a stud with the ladies being one of them.

All in all, there will no doubt be a sequel to The Lightning Thief. We're only beginning to see the character's development and there are five books in the series so putting two and two together isn't hard. Some people say it's the next Harry Potter but personally, I see more of a resemblance to The Chronicles of Narnia. Young or old, you'll find something to enjoy in the film. From the awesome Greek mythology to fantastic visuals, Percy Jackson is the new kid in town.


Lightning Thief

Excellent movie. Great visual effects and great story line. This movie is more like PG13 rather than PG. I will guess that this movie will be #1 on the opening week.

Not Bad

My dislike for Chris Columbus and his cookie cutter directing this movie wasn't bad. PLenty of escapism for the kids and enough subtle remarks to make the adults laugh. Could have been better without the very small amount of cussing and the strange trip in Vegas but thats just me knitpicking. It really was a good film and thank God they didn't make the same mistake as in the Potter films and actually got actors that could act. Looking forward to the sequel.

very enjoyable..

I went to see this with my best friends son and a few of his friends. I had not expectations but found my self pleasantly surprised. There were a few corny parts but it also had some nice affects and I was entertained and enjoyed movie.

Percy Jackson stole our attention

It's a great movie, very engaging. This, to me, is more fun than Harry Potter in that it doesnt take place in some unknown mystical world, but it's right here in NYC, Tennessee, Vegas, and Hollywood. (Same way I feel about Princess and the Frog in New Orleans vs the other Disney princesses). The whole action is really great too until the very last minute when they zoom out to the sword fight between Jackson and the girl, and it feels slow and amateur. The 3 main characters are all very amicable on and off screen. We got to meet them in person before the screening.

Nonetheless, get the the book if you can. It's much better.

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