>> Ouran High School Host Club: The Complete Series (BLU-RAY) (2010)

Show: Ouran High School Host Club

Season/Volume: The Complete Series

Genre: Anime

Starring: Caitlin Glass, Luci Christian, Vic Mignona

Studio: Funimation

Runtime: 625 Minutes

Release Date: March 30, 2010

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 3

Rating: 4.34 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A

Official Site

Quite possibly the funniest anime where none of its characters possess any super human powers, unless you consider Honey Senpai’s cute factor a power, no one can transform into an animal, monster, or anything else, and your guaranteed to have a ton of  laughs in every episode (though I felt we really could have done without "Haruhi in Wonderland!"). Forget what your friends may say about your Ouran High School Host Club addiction (and you will become addicted) this is an anime you wont want to miss.

Amazingly rich in color and detail for the most part. The series drops some kaleidoscope backdrops on you that really burst from the screen with vivid purples and highly detailed flowers. Character detail is sharp. There are only a few scenes in the entire series that don’t quite reach the same level as the rest of the series in character definition but overall an excellent transfer that wont disappoint fans and videophiles. Audio is surprisingly presented in 2.0 Dolby TrueHD in both English and Japanese and though it seems like that should go against the set it really does quite a fine job of balancing out all aspects of sound during the series complete run. I was a little unnerved that FUNimation hadn’t gone for the 5.1 sound aspect but I was satisfied. Its hard to think the audio could possible get any better even if 5.1 could bring maybe just a little something more to the experience. I’m sold.

Episode Commentary From Voice Actors Caitlin Glass and Vic Mignona. I swear after watching the series almost non-stop and getting so familiar with the characters its hard not to think of them as real people (however odd that may sound) so when you hear their voices doing commentary its just another happy bonus for die hard fans or the converted. 6 in total featuring other guests as well.

Ouran High School Host Club Manga Pages Presented by Viz Media. Honestly how could they expect me to read through these pages after the characters have come to life on my television. An interesting origins perspective I guess.

Outtakes 1&2 (In HD). Absolutely hilarious stuff here. Its strange to see the characters going through the dialogue you may or may not have committed to memory and then screwing up or ad-libbing some off the wall dialogue that catches you off guard. A must see feature in the series.

Textless versions of the opening and closing songs (as per the usual FUNimation bonus feature) also in HD and a handful of trailers.


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