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Mistress: Breaking and Entering (PREVIEW)


Breaking and Entering
Regular Air Date: 
Mondays @ 10/9C
Air Date: 
Monday, June 3, 2013

Breaking and Entering is the next episode title for Mistresses. In this episode we find Savannah feeling uncomfortable at work around Dominic, her one time mistake (or is it?), as their thrown together in a huge case for their firm. The case is so huge it could make both her and Dominic partners at the firm. Can Savannah manage?

April has put her dead husband and his skeleton’s on the backburner as she tries to move on with her life. The parent of a child that’s friends with Lucy is looking like a good proposition but April is reluctant. Will she find a way to get him to ask her out or will she have to rake up the courage and ask him out herself?

This weeks major story is Karen, who has shunned her ex-lovers son, Sam,  in order to avoid him implicating her as his father’s mistress. Things are going well until the two are thrown together again and Karen receives news that Sam is planning on moving in to his father’s apartment. Karen is worried she may have left something behind that could implicate her and in a desperate attempt to make sure she hasn’t, does something foolish.

In a surprising turn Josslyn, my least favorite character, actually gets herself a mini-story to work with. It all begins when her boss is fired from his position and the real estate firm she works for is bought out by a man named Olivier Dubious, a man who is not impressed by Josslyn’s sexuality. Olivier has pulled properties from Josslyn with the ultimatum that she either show him she is a true real estate agent or be fired. Employing the help of her friends (and Harry), can she pull off the biggest sale featuring the worst house on the market?

Mistresses is managing to stay away from becoming a joke. I’m glad to see that they’ve given Jes Macallan’s character something to work with. I really don’t like her character that much, but instead of just watching her take up air time, she manages to pull off an interesting mini plot. The rest of the cast continues to shine in their parts. I look forward to what happens next. 

AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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